Simulating a Pneumothorax on a Dual Adult Lung

A number of our customers have been requesting information on how to simulate a pneumothorax using the Michigan Instruments Dual Adult Lung. The following will describe how this condition can be simulated on a Training & Test Lung, using…

Military vs. Medical: Five Things Private Simulation Labs Need

It is no secret that military spending has gone down since sequestration (and other spending cuts), and simulation was one of the areas to take a major hit from this. This has led to increased private simulation lab interest and funding. I…

High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation-Part One

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, or ARDS, is by no means a new condition in the respiratory care industry, but there are certainly some new treatments being tested to help treat it. Herneations, H1N1, SARS and many other conditions are all…

Assessing High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation-Part Two

This is part 2 of our series focusing on assessing high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Check out part one here. Due to difficulties in assessing the outputs (from the patient’s perspective) of HFOV ventilators, many analysts have resorted…

Using High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation – Part Three

In using high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) tidal volume and LPM (flow) values can be exceptionally difficult to monitor. Several third-party devices have been developed to monitor this, but due to a lack of any solid standard of…

Simulating a Pneumothorax on a Dual Adult Lung

A number of our customers have been requesting information on how to simulate a pneumothorax using the Michigan Instruments Dual Adult Lung. The following will describe how this condition can be simulated on a Training & Test Lung, using…

Military vs. Medical: Five Things Private Simulation Labs Need

It is no secret that military spending has gone down since sequestration (and other spending cuts), and simulation was one of the areas to take a major hit from this. This has led to increased private simulation lab interest and funding. I…

High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation-Part One

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, or ARDS, is by no means a new condition in the respiratory care industry, but there are certainly some new treatments being tested to help treat it. Herneations, H1N1, SARS and many other conditions are all…

Assessing High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation-Part Two

This is part 2 of our series focusing on assessing high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Check out part one here. Due to difficulties in assessing the outputs (from the patient’s perspective) of HFOV ventilators, many analysts have resorted…

Using High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation – Part Three

In using high frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) tidal volume and LPM (flow) values can be exceptionally difficult to monitor. Several third-party devices have been developed to monitor this, but due to a lack of any solid standard of…