recruit medical students

As the healthcare industry continues to grow, so does the demand for qualified medical professionals. To do this, you need to recruit medical students to your program.

However, with so many accredited medical programs available, it’s now more difficult than ever to attract students to your program. To help you stand out among other programs, keep reading to learn about ways to attract students to your medical program.

How to Recruit Medical Students to Your Program

1. Emphasize Your Program’s Unique Features

It’s important to highlight the specific aspects of your program that set it apart from others. This could include specialized training in a certain area, access to state-of-the-art technology, or opportunities for hands-on experience.

Students want to know what to expect when coming into a new program, so be transparent and explain to them all the benefits you want them to know about. This way, they can make an informed decision when they’re choosing between programs.

2. Share Success Stories

Prospective students want to know that your program is going to help them achieve their career goals. To demonstrate the knowledge and skills that your program can give them, share stories of alumni who have gone on to find successful careers in the medical field and highlight how your program helped them get there.

This will not only show your capability of teaching students the curriculum they need, but will also help them find inspiration in others that have done the same program. Remember, word of mouth is a powerful tool.

3. Use Social Media

Social media platforms, like TikTok, give you the opportunity to showcase your program’s offerings and connect with potential new students. Share photos and videos of your facilities, faculty, and students to give a behind-the-scenes look at your program.

It’s important to be informative—however, it’s just as important to craft personal messages to connect with your audience.

4. Offer More Scholarships and Financial Aid 

The cost of medical programs can be a major barrier for a lot of students. Offering scholarships and financial aid can help attract students who may not have otherwise considered your program.

There are lots of resources available for more information about providing financial help. Before doing so however, you need to read up on the IRS requirements for starting a scholarship fund.

5. Utilize Advanced Technology

Medical technology has made impressive advances in the past decade. For instance, our lung simulators can provide helpful training and practice for medical students, particularly in the Pulmonology and Respiratory fields.

Our Lungs offer residual lung volumes and a dynamic response to therapy that realistically demonstrates how the human pulmonary system works. 

What’s the Difference Between Michigan Instruments’ Lung Simulators and Other Devices on the Market?

Unlike other devices on the market today, our lung simulators are available in both adult and infant models. This range of calibrated lung compliance and airway resistance settings allow our devices to replicate hundreds of healthy and diseased lung conditions, while providing accurate data to contribute to your testing, research, and training.

Our recently launched Spontaneous Breathing Lung is a great addition to any respiratory therapy program. The SBL™ provides accurate simulation of a breathing patient and is available on any of our lung simulators. It’s beneficial for designing, testing, and training for non-invasive and supportive modes of ventilation and oxygenation. 

With our SBL™, the sky’s the limit. Our devices have been used for almost everything—from studying the dispersion of aerosols and inhalers, to assessing the responsiveness of the latest technologies. 

Learn More About How Our Devices Can Benefit Your Medical Program

For more information about our devices and how they can better your program, contact us today and get in touch with a service specialist that can answer all your questions!

how to reduce employee turnover in healthcare

Did you know that 58% of physicians have feelings of burnout? Similarly, 54% of those physicians say it severely impacts their lives. These statistics alone show how important it is to reduce employee turnover in healthcare. 

It’s no secret that medical staff burnout and shortages are a major issue, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, a recent report shows that by 2025, the U.S. is estimated to have a shortage of approximately 95,000 nursing assistants, 98,700 medical and lab technologists and technicians, and more than 29,000 nurse practitioners.

However, with a few tactics and changes in rituals, it’s possible for hospitals to work towards fixing this problem—and even preventing it before it starts.

Below, we highlight some strategies to reduce burnout in your employees and prevent staff shortages.

How to Reduce Employee Turnover in Your Healthcare Facility

1. Understand What Causes Burnout

Before you can attempt to solve the issue of burnout in your staff, it’s important to understand the most common causes. 

It could also be a combination of several factors. Causes include, but are not limited to:

  • Inadequate support
  • Excessive workloads
  • Administrative burdens
  • Scheduling problems
  • Stress from being unable to provide the care patients need
  • Family responsibilities
  • Time pressure

You can begin to resolve most of these issues within the workplace. Therefore, you and your team should take some time to assess your scheduling and patient-care strategies to see where there’s room for improvement, such as what medical devices your facility uses.

2. Encourage (and Facilitate) Healthy Sleep Habits

A lot of stress that employees feel could be coming from a lack of healthy habits. Talk to them about making changes to their everyday routine; but more importantly, how you can help support them. 

The CDC recommends at least 7 hours of sleep each night. However, for your healthcare staff, getting 7 hours every night is easier said than done. Since poor sleep habits can lead to increased stress, encourage sleep breaks during long shifts. 

Facilitate this by making sure your on-call rooms promote healthy sleep environments, such as black-out curtains, white noise machines, and more. 

3. Provide Mental Health Resources

Consider implementing a system that provides mental health support for your employees. This can be done in a number of ways. 

For example, consider compiling a list of resources on your internal website or on a paper handout, including contact information for therapists, tips for combatting mental health issues from professional sources, group therapy session information, and more.

Don’t let them stress about the money—provide numbers for programs that will help them at no cost, or readjust your benefits so that it includes mental health assistance and RX insurance.

It may also be helpful to provide an in-house specialist for confidential meetings with your employees, if they feel that they need help, or don’t have the energy/time to schedule themselves.

4. Create a Healthy Work Environment

As a leader in your healthcare facility, there are tons of small things you can do that can make a huge difference. One way is to create a space where your employees can meditate, have some peace and quiet, make private phone calls, or even take a quick nap. 

Another way is to foster an open environment where your staff feels comfortable enough to reach out about things that are bothering them. Maybe this is sending out quarterly surveys for employee feedback. This not only creates an opportunity to support them, but also to get honest feedback about aspects of your workplace to improve upon. 

Lastly, don’t forget to acknowledge their hard work. Working in healthcare is a stressful and often thankless job. Remember to appreciate them and provide positive feedback to reassure them that even if they make mistakes, their work is valued.

Want to Reduce Employee Turnover in Your Healthcare Facility?

Did you know that Michigan Instrument’s automated CPR machines can lower exhaustion among your employees?

Our hands-free devices perform effective, customized CPR that never tires. They allow medical professionals to concentrate on other life-saving procedures and provide improved access to the patient. Additionally, they allow rescuers to safely position themselves to avoid personal injury.

For more information, contact us today!