Michigan Instruments adult test lung simulators

Test Lung Simulation Classroom Use: Setting Up Worsening Pneumonia in the Right Lung

Pulmonary Test Lung Simulation Michigan Instruments Test Lungs can be of great assistance in the classroom. The adjustable lung compliance and airway resistance allows the instructor or student to demonstrate or investigate a wide variety…
the history of mechanical CPR devices

The History of Mechanical CPR Machines

Technology That Saves Lives Fifty years ago, no one had heard of mechanical CPR, a device that has since saved thousands of lives. By providing hands-free external chest compressions, a mechanical CPR machine allows medical professionals…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

PneuView3 Improvements, Compared to PneuView2

PneuView3 Improvements from Michigan Instruments are worth mentioning! Did you know that Michigan Instruments’ NEW Training and Test Lung embodies a mechanical respiratory simulation of the human pulmonary system that can measure airway…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Michigan Instruments Donates Two TTL Units to Local University

Grand Rapids, MI – Grand Valley State University students will soon have the opportunity to simulate the proper management of life-like respiratory ailments using the latest in training and test lung devices. Grand Rapids-based, Michigan Instruments…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Increase in Training Test Lung Calibration Charge

Michigan Instruments would like to announce a change in cost associated with the calibration of many Training and Test Lung respiratory simulation models. On November 1, 2014, the cost for models 1600, 1601, 1603 and 4600 (recommended every…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Understanding the Role of Inertia in Mechanical Test Lungs

It’s no secret—mechanical systems move differently than biological systems particularly when it comes to inertia. This concept has a number of significant implications when working with a mechanical test lung. During ventilation, the inertia…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Simulating a Pneumothorax on a Dual Adult Lung

A number of our customers have been requesting information on how to simulate a pneumothorax using the Michigan Instruments Dual Adult Lung. The following will describe how this condition can be simulated on a Training & Test Lung, using…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Military vs. Medical: Five Things Private Simulation Labs Need

It is no secret that military spending has gone down since sequestration (and other spending cuts), and simulation was one of the areas to take a major hit from this. This has led to increased private simulation lab interest and funding. I…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation-Part One

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, or ARDS, is by no means a new condition in the respiratory care industry, but there are certainly some new treatments being tested to help treat it. Herneations, H1N1, SARS and many other conditions are all…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Assessing High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation-Part Two

This is part 2 of our series focusing on assessing high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Check out part one here. Due to difficulties in assessing the outputs (from the patient’s perspective) of HFOV ventilators, many analysts have resorted…
Michigan Instruments adult test lung simulators

Test Lung Simulation Classroom Use: Setting Up Worsening Pneumonia in the Right Lung

Pulmonary Test Lung Simulation Michigan Instruments Test Lungs can be of great assistance in the classroom. The adjustable lung compliance and airway resistance allows the instructor or student to demonstrate or investigate a wide variety…
the history of mechanical CPR devices

The History of Mechanical CPR Machines

Technology That Saves Lives Fifty years ago, no one had heard of mechanical CPR, a device that has since saved thousands of lives. By providing hands-free external chest compressions, a mechanical CPR machine allows medical professionals…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

PneuView3 Improvements, Compared to PneuView2

PneuView3 Improvements from Michigan Instruments are worth mentioning! Did you know that Michigan Instruments’ NEW Training and Test Lung embodies a mechanical respiratory simulation of the human pulmonary system that can measure airway…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Michigan Instruments Donates Two TTL Units to Local University

Grand Rapids, MI – Grand Valley State University students will soon have the opportunity to simulate the proper management of life-like respiratory ailments using the latest in training and test lung devices. Grand Rapids-based, Michigan Instruments…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Increase in Training Test Lung Calibration Charge

Michigan Instruments would like to announce a change in cost associated with the calibration of many Training and Test Lung respiratory simulation models. On November 1, 2014, the cost for models 1600, 1601, 1603 and 4600 (recommended every…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Understanding the Role of Inertia in Mechanical Test Lungs

It’s no secret—mechanical systems move differently than biological systems particularly when it comes to inertia. This concept has a number of significant implications when working with a mechanical test lung. During ventilation, the inertia…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Simulating a Pneumothorax on a Dual Adult Lung

A number of our customers have been requesting information on how to simulate a pneumothorax using the Michigan Instruments Dual Adult Lung. The following will describe how this condition can be simulated on a Training & Test Lung, using…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Military vs. Medical: Five Things Private Simulation Labs Need

It is no secret that military spending has gone down since sequestration (and other spending cuts), and simulation was one of the areas to take a major hit from this. This has led to increased private simulation lab interest and funding. I…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation-Part One

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, or ARDS, is by no means a new condition in the respiratory care industry, but there are certainly some new treatments being tested to help treat it. Herneations, H1N1, SARS and many other conditions are all…
Michigan Instruments donates two TTL units to local university

Assessing High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation-Part Two

This is part 2 of our series focusing on assessing high-frequency oscillatory ventilation. Check out part one here. Due to difficulties in assessing the outputs (from the patient’s perspective) of HFOV ventilators, many analysts have resorted…