Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month

This sudden cardiac arrest awareness month, it’s important to remain aware of how dangerous (and common) sudden cardiac arrest is. Did you know that over 325,000 adult deaths occur per year due to sudden cardiac arrest, thus making it the largest cause of natural death in the United States?

Since October is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Awareness month, it’s important to understand what SCA is, the warning signs, and how to respond in a SCA emergency.

Heart Attack vs. Sudden Cardiac Arrest

People often use heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest interchangeably to describe a cardiac emergency. However, it’s important to realize that they aren’t the same. 

A heart attack occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is severely reduced or blocked. The block is usually due to a buildup of fat, cholesterol, and other substances in the heart arteries. If the blocked artery is not reopened quickly, the part of the heart will die. The longer a person goes without treatment, the greater the damage.

However, sudden cardiac arrest occurs suddenly and often without warning. It’s described as the abrupt loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness. The condition is triggered from an electrical malfunction within the heart and causes an irregular heartbeat. This disrupts your heart’s pumping action and stops blood flow to your body.

What are the Warning Signs of SCA?

Sudden cardiac arrest  often occurs without warning. However, there may be warning signs, which include:

  • Chest discomfort
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness
  • Fast-beating, fluttering, or pounding heart (palpitations)

In the event of an immediate arrest – signs would include:

  • Sudden collapse
  • No pulse
  • No breathing
  • Loss of consciousness

What to Do in an SCA Event?

Time is critical when helping a victim, because within minutes  the lack of oxygen  can cause permanent damage to the brain. 

If you see someone experiencing sudden cardiac arrest: 

  1. Call 911 
  2. Begin CPR, even if it is the hands only version.  Aim for a rate of 100 to 120 compressions and a depth of 2 inches.
  3. Use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) if one is available. 

Manual CPR can be physically challenging for caregivers to give for any extended period of time. Fatigue can result in less-than-optimal CPR for patients within minutes. 

However, there is a solution use of automated CPR machines have saved lives. Michigan Instruments automated CPR devices deliver consistent compressions for as long as needed, eliminating the risk of burnout and ensuring high quality care to the patient.

Be Aware This Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month

Time is critical for the effective treatment of sudden cardiac arrest. Life-saving medical attention within 4-6 minutes is necessary to help decrease the chance of brain damage or death.

For this Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month, take the time to learn what to do during an SCA event. It can make all the difference in a life or death situation. 

Michigan Instruments’ automated CPR devices have been helping EMS professionals, doctors and nurses provide their patients with the quality care they deserve for decades. Learn more about our Life Stat and Thumper mechanical CPR devices, or contact one of our representatives to learn more!

automated cpr machine

Since the automated CPR machine(s), the Model 1007 Thumper® and the Model 1008 Life-Stat®, are so similar, it can be difficult to know right off the bat which is the best fit for your organization.   

Having the right automated CPR machine is important to the safety of your patients. 

At Michigan Instruments, we’re here to help you help others. Below, we compare the main features of each device, so you can decide which automated CPR device is right for you.

Quick Set-Up and Easy to Use

Both the Life-Stat and Thumper devices set up quickly and are easy to use. Insert device into back board, lower massager pad, set compression depth, turn on and go. Set up in SECONDS – cycle for HOURS.

Accommodates Larger Patients

Both the devices accommodate larger patients than many other available Automated CPR devices. Both allow usage on a patient with chest height up to 14.5 inches and width up to 22 inches.  

Compression Depth Control

Compression depth control is the measurement of compression depth when administering CPR. Both the Life-Stat and Thumper feature adjustable compression depth from 0 to 8 cm (0-3 inches) and are adjustable while in use. 

This not only meets but exceeds the American Heart Association’s (AHA) current guidelines of at least 5 cm for an average adult.

Automated CPR Machine: Best Value

The Life-Stat and Thumper are the most cost-effective devices available.  With no expensive disposable items, no batteries to purchase or store.  Once connected to an O2 source, these devices operate indefinitely.


While most of the other features are the same, this is where the key difference lies—the Ventilation Option.  Life-Stat® is built with an option to ventilate the patient at either 30:2 or during continuous compressions – 100 compressions per minute with 9 asynchronous breaths.  The Thumper Device provides 100 continuous compressions per minute and no ventilation option.

Currently, the Life-Stat® is the only automatic CPR device on the market that offers a built-in ventilator and meets current AHA CPR guidelines for chest compression and ventilation.


Both devices are easily stored and ready to use. Therefore, they are light enough to be easily incorporated into a hospital’s “crash cart” and can be set up within seconds. 


At Michigan Instruments, we offer a trade-in allowance for any manufacturer’s automated CPR device.

If you have any questions, please contact the Michigan Instruments team today! We can help you evaluate which device is suitable for you—and the answer may be both. 

life stat mechanical cpr

More importantly than anything, Michigan Instruments’ Life-Stat mechanical CPR device saves lives. In Farmdale, Ohio, Leonard Osborn went into cardiac arrest and didn’t have a heartbeat for 16 minutes.

Thankfully, Osborn’s family members contacted 911. Within minutes, he was hooked up to the Life-Stat from Michigan Instruments and survived.

The Life-Stat: Michigan Instruments’ Mechanical CPR Device

The Johnston Fire Department used funds from a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant to purchase two Life-Stat devices from Michigan Instruments. One of the first members of the fire department’s EMS crew to respond to Osborn’s emergency, Mary Kay Sly, said; ”It was amazing to see how it worked and to know how effective of a tool it is.”

The Life-Stat is a mechanical CPR device designed to deliver continuous chest compressions, with an option to ventilate, to a patient in a state of acute cardiac arrest. The Life-Stat is lightweight and easy to use. Additionally, the transition from manual CPR can be done with minimal interruption to compressions. 

Read more about Michigan Instruments CPR and the benefits.

How The Life-Stat Saved Osborn’s Life

The medical director for Johnson Township EMS, said mechanical CPR surpasses manual CPR (given by a person) because it can guarantee the rate, depth, and quality of the compressions. Plus, it gives the first responders the ability to complete other tasks because they are not administering CPR manually. 

“There is no way a person could keep up with the amount of compressions it often takes in a situation like this,” said Dr. Jeffery Bedlion, when asked about using mechanical CPR to save Osborn’s life. 

Osborn regained a spontaneous heartbeat while being transferred to the emergency room. According to Mary Kay Sly, this was about 16 minutes after he “clinically died.” Once arriving at the Warren hospital, Osborn was admitted to the intensive care unit where he underwent a cardiac procedure. 

Thankfully, Osborn was discharged only a few days later. Soon after, he and his wife visited the Johnson Township Fire Department to thank the crew that saved his life, to which Osborn said; “I owe them big.” 

Know The Signs of a Heart Attack

The American Heart Association (AHA) lists the following as the most common signs of a heart attack: 

  • Chest discomfort
    • In the center of the chest that lasts for more than a few minutes, or goes away and then returns. It can feel like pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. 
  • Discomfort in other areas of the upper body
    • Including one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath
    • With or without chest discomfort
  • Nausea 
    • Possibly cold sweat, or lightheadedness. 

Without early medical intervention and consistent compressions, someone suffering from a heart attack can suffer permanent damage or even death.

The Hands-Free CPR Solution

Michigan Instruments Automated CPR devices have saved countless lives and continue to improve first responders’ life-saving intervention. These devices provide high-quality, uninterrupted CPR no matter the circumstance. 

Interested in the Life-Stat or Thumper for your hospital or emergency service? Read more about the benefits and specs and request a quote for a device today. 

Administering CPR on a drowning victim is crucial to their survival. Drowning and near-drowning accidents can happen to anyone at any age. Believe it or not, these incidents can also happen any time of the year, and also in shallow water. 

According to Stop Drowning Now, there are an average of 3,500 to 4,000 drownings per year in the United States  — which unfortunately, is about 10 fatal drownings per day on average. 

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the most common causes of drowning include:

  • panicking in water
  • falling through ice
  • alcohol consumption near or in water
  • the inability to swim

Below, we outline how the Michigan Instruments Life-Stat mechanical CPR device can help save a drowning victim’s life and reduce stress off of first responders.

Life-Stat Provides Early Medical Intervention

Early medical intervention on drowning victims is crucial, which is where CPR administration comes in. For first responders, using the Life-Stat provides your patients with the best chance at survival. 

The Life-Stat will let the responders give patients hands-free compressions and automatic breaths through a built-in ventilator, thus allowing you to work on other lifesaving measures.

Hands-Free Capability

It’s important to prepare yourself to conduct life-saving actions within a moment’s notice. Administering CPR to victims of drowning can save their life in more ways than one.

If someone has fallen through ice, they could have hypothermia, so it’s vital to warm them up.  This is able to be done while still administering Michigan Instruments CPR. Just one of the reasons why having a hands-free CPR device is essential. 

The Life-Stat delivers CPR to the patient automatically, with uninterrupted compressions. This frees up personnel for other life saving measures.  

Read more about the hands-free capabilities of the Life-Stat.

Uninterrupted CPR, No Matter Where

Whether a drowning occurs on a crowded beach or a desolate location, it’s important to ensure that you have as many skilled hands as possible, with a device you can trust. The Life-Stat provides CPR on a drowning victim with uninterrupted compressions, using a lightweight set-up that takes only seconds. 

This is especially helpful if the drowning occurs far from a hospital, where pre-hospital medical care is vital for survival.

Read more Life-Stat Specs here. 

Life-Stat Can Save Lives

The Life-Stat has numerous benefits that can be crucial for the survival of drowning victims. We’re extremely proud to offer a hands-free, lifesaving device that allows medical professionals to provide other life-saving measures. 

Request a Quote for the Life-Stat today!

mechanical cpr in hospitals, The 5+ Ways the Life-Stat Offers an Extra Pair of Hands

If you need  an “extra pair of hands” in hospitals, emergency rooms and EMS units, the Michigan Instruments Life-Stat provides uninterrupted mechanical CPR to patients. This gives doctors, nurses and paramedics the capability to perform additional life-saving work on patients, such as administering life-saving therapies, taking blood, applying pressure to any open wounds, and much more.

Below, we outline the 5+ key benefits of our Life-Stat device in addition to providing your emergency department or EMS unit an “extra pair of hands”.

1. Fits Larger Patients

It’s unrealistic at best to expect every patient to be relatively the same size. That’s why it’s so significant that both the Life-Stat and Thumper accommodate larger patients compared to other devices in the market today.

2. Varied Compression Depth

Michigan Instruments CPR devices allow the user to adjust the compression depth to the individual needs of the patient. Based on the patient’s A-P chest diameter, the compression depth for each patient is clearly displayed on the device. 

3. Meets Current AHA Guidelines

Our Life-Stat features options for 100 or 120 compressions per minute, which follows the most current American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines. 

4. Built-in Ventilator

The Life Stat is the only device on the market today to offer built-in ventilation. Therefore, first responders and doctors can focus on other life-saving measures during resuscitation and transport, before the patient even reaches the hospital. 

5. Greater Access to the Patient

There’s no need to work around people providing chest compressions (and breaths). With the Life-Stat, mechanical CPR can be paused and resumed with a push of a button if necessary. This maintains nearly complete access to the patient throughout each and every resuscitation effort. 

Our devices are engineered with a “C” arm design. This provides better access to the patient than other wrap-around or enclosed models.

But Wait, There’s More

Along with these five key benefits, the Life-Stat offers several additional features and benefits, including:

  • Lightweight and Easy to Operate: Weighing only 19.5 lbs. (8.8 kg), the Life-Stat is both lightweight and easy to use. Our devices can be set-up in seconds, with minimal interruption to compressions.  They can easily be incorporated into a hospital “crash cart” setup. Or, stored in a way that’s easily accessible and fits into most standard ambulance storage compartments.
  • It Doesn’t Quit: Our Life-Stat provides perfect, uninterrupted CPR for as long as necessary. The electronic control module allows users to switch instantaneously from 30:2 to CCV mode with a pause/resume feature. This device also uses a long-life 9-volt battery for the control panel that you can “hot swap” while the unit is running. Therefore, providing complete and uninterrupted CPR no matter what — all you need is a high-pressure oxygen source!
  • Incomparable Value: Michigan Instruments’ automated CPR devices offer the absolute best value in the market today, as they offer both the lowest acquisition cost and ongoing cost of ownership.

Need More Hands to Administer Mechanical CPR in Hospitals? Contact Us Today!

As a medical professional, you often find yourself needing more hands than just the two you have. The more hands on deck, the greater chances of survival the patient will have.

To learn how our automated CPR devices have helped EMS professionals, doctors and nurses provide patients with life-saving and quality care for over 55 years, please visit our FAQ page or contact us today to request a quote.

When it comes to an automated CPR compression device, there are a lot of options to choose from. This is why we outlined the 5+ main features of our CPR devices: The Life-Stat 1008 and Thumper 1007CC

1. Ease of Use

Both the LifeStat and Thumper are lightweight and easy to use, each weighing approximately 19 lbs. Plus, they can be incorporated into a hospital “crash cart” setup.

In the case of paramedic usage, both devices can be stored in a case that’s easily accessed and fits into most standard ambulance storage compartments. 

Furthermore, setting the units up takes only seconds and requires minimal interruption to manual compressions.

2. Compression Depth

While other piston-type devices have narrow compression depth ranges that are fixed during operation, both the LifeStat and Thumper offer a compression depth range from 0-3.2 inches which is fully adjustable during operation. 

In addition,  the LifeStat and Thumper feature an option that allows the operator to quickly and easily adjust the compression depth to 20% of the patient’s A-P chest diameter.  Our Thumper and LifeStat devices accommodate larger patients than other devices on the market – up to 14.5 inches sternum height and 22 inches chest width.

3. Ventilation

According to Respiratory Care Journal, assisted ventilation is a crucial aspect of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) because it can directly influence survival through positive or negative interactions with chest compression.

The LifeStat is the only device on the market to offer built-in ventilation, allowing first responders and doctors to focus on other important resuscitation procedures.

4. Meets Current AHA Guidelines

Current AHA (American Heart Association) guidelines state that, “in adult victims of cardiac arrest, it is reasonable for rescuers to perform chest compressions at a rate of 100 to 120/min and to a depth of at least 2 inches (5 cm) for an average adult.”

The uninterrupted compressions provided by both the Thumper and LifeStat allow your team to focus on the underlying cause of the cardiac arrest.

5. Allows Options for 100 or 120 cpm

Michigan Instruments offers models with both 100 or 120 compressions per minute. The Life-Stat ® performs two modes of CPR support in conformance with AHA CPR guidelines. In either mode, compressions deliver at a frequency of 100 or 120 per minute (cpm).

6. Cost

Other devices range between $15,000 – $16,000 with expensive replacement parts.  Michigan Instruments offer the absolute best value in the market today, with the lowest acquisition cost and a very affordable ongoing cost of ownership. 

Interested in Learning More? Contact Us Today!

While extremely beneficial, most automated CPR devices are expensive and not realistically affordable for many hospitals, EMS units and schools. We make it easy to obtain and maintain CPR devices in any facility, potentially saving lives.

To learn more about how our automated CPR compression device has helped EMS professionals, doctors and nurses provide patients with high quality care for over 55 years, please visit our FAQ page or contact us today.

Mechanical CPR Most Frequently Asked Questions

Mechanical CPR has been around since the 1960s, starting when we made an oxygen-powered piston on an adjustable arm to deliver compressions called the Thumper®.

As a company that specializes in automated CPR devices and lung simulators, we receive many questions from medical professionals and educators alike surrounding this device. 

Below, we outlined the most frequently asked questions about mechanical CPR. 

1. Can I Trade In My Old Automated CPR Device?

Yes! At Michigan Instruments, we offer a trade-in allowance for any manufacturer’s automated CPR device.

Just make sure to let us know when requesting a quote if you’re upgrading an older CPR device, or have one already out of service.

Have more questions or want to learn more? Visit our FAQ page for more information.

2. How Does the Life-Stat® Fully Meet the 2015 AHA Guidelines?

As outlined in the 2015 American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines, the Life-Stat® is capable of providing both Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) cardiopulmonary resuscitation protocols. 

This is achieved by using an electronic timing control powered by 2 inexpensive 9-volt alkaline batteries.

3. What are the Dimensions and Weight of the Life-Stat®?

The Life-Stat® CPR measures at:

  • 22-½” (57.2 cm) in height
  • 7-⅝” (19.4 cm) in width
  • 18-¼” (46.4 cm) in length
  • 19 lbs (8.6 kg) in weight

Have more questions or want to learn more? Visit our FAQ page for more information.

4. Can the Life-Stat® Be Used on Infants or Children?

No. Current AHA guidelines do not recommend the use of mechanical CPR on infants or children.

5. What are the Comparisons Between the Thumper® and Life-Stat® CPR?

While both the Thumper® and Life-Stat® are quite similar, there is one key difference between them ventilation is not applicable with the Thumper®, whereas the Life-Stat® delivers volume-based ventilation.

Below is a table comparing the Model 1007 Thumper®s to the Model 1008 Life-Stat®.

Thumper® MODEL 1007CC Life-Stat® MODEL 1008
Compression Depth Control Up to 5 turns or 0 to 8 cm of depth Up to 5 turns or 0 to 8 cm of depth
Arm Lock Mechanism Requires only one turn from lock to unlock position Requires only one turn from lock to unlock position
Pressure Regulation Built-in pressure regulator and pressure relief valve to prevent damage Built-in pressure regulator and pressure relief valve to prevent damage
Pressure and Flow Visual indicator for correct input pressure Visual indicator for correct input pressure
Ventilation Not applicable Delivered volume-based ventilation
Storing Stores in “use” position Stores in “use” position

Have more questions or want to learn more? Visit our FAQ page for more information.

Have More Questions? Contact Michigan Instruments Today!

To learn more about how our automated CPR devices have helped EMS professionals, doctors and nurses provide patients with high quality care for over 55 years, please visit our FAQ page or contact us today.

February is American Heart Month: How CPR Can Save A Life

February is American Heart Month, a time when we can all focus on improving and learning more about our cardiovascular health.

This is a time where the medical community shines a glaring light on heart disease and stroke, which are historically the leading killers of all Americans.

In honor of American Heart Month, below we outline some of the key elements of life-saving CPR and how Michigan Instruments’ CPR devices can help.

What is CPR?

Before we can dive into all the features our CPR devices offer, it’s important to understand what exactly CPR is.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency life-saving procedure performed when the heart stops beating.

As an historically effective method of saving lives, these are two of the most commonly known versions of CPR:

  1. For healthcare providers and those trained: conventional CPR using chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breathing at a ratio of 30:2 compressions-to-breaths.
  2. For the general public or bystanders who witness an adult suddenly collapse: compression-only CPR, or Hands-Only CPR. Hands-Only CPR is CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths. (1)

When performed correctly, immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival.

The Importance of High-Quality, Uninterrupted CPR

It’s important to remember that high-quality and uninterrupted chest compressions provide the best chance of survival.

However, giving CPR is physically exhausting, even for medical professionals. In fact, significant fatigue and shallow chest compressions are common after just 1 minute of administering CPR.

The answer? Automated CPR devices that perform effective CPR in a way many humans just physically cannot.

Contact us today to learn more about our Automated CPR devices.

What Makes Michigan Instrument’s CPR Devices Different?

Michigan Instruments automated CPR machines are here to do the work for you.

Our CPR chest compression machines are proven to deliver the highest quality care during the treatment of cardiac arrest. They’re easy to use, and provide the best chance of survival.

As a leader in the field of automated CPR for over 50 years, we continue to advance our products. Today, we offer the following:

1. The Life-Stat

Our Life-Stat mechanical CPR device represents the latest advancement in our history of CPR development. This is the only CPR device on the market today that meets current AHA CPR guidelines for both chest compression and ventilation.

2. Thumper Mechanical CPR

The Thumper is a mechanical CPR device designed to deliver continuous chest compressions to a patient in a state of acute cardiac arrest.

Both of our automated CPR devices are easy to use, fit larger patients, and are fully comply with current AHA guidelines for compressions. They also offer the best value in the market today.

February is American Heart Month, Make the Most Out of it with Michigan Instruments

While bystander CPR improves survival, it’s also important for hospitals and emergency services to have the best devices on hand. It could very well be the difference between life and death.

Contact us today to learn more about our Automated CPR devices.

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The Benefits to Pre-Hospital Use of Automated CPR Machine

When it comes to cardiac arrest patients, every second and every compression can make a huge difference. However, it can be extremely difficult—sometimes even impossible, for caregivers to deliver consistent, high-quality compressions in pre-hospital settings, especially during transport.

Michigan Instruments Automated CPR devices provide a way for first responders to safely provide continuous CPR to patients throughout pre-hospital care, avoiding any interruptions in life-saving CPR. Here are the benefits to pre-hospital use of automated CPR devices.

Easy to Use, Automated CPR in Seconds

Lightweight and easily transportable, automated CPR devices like our Life Stat and Thumper allow for a quick transition from manual to automated CPR. These CPR machines can easily be incorporated into a hospital “crash cart” setup or stored in most ambulance storage compartments. Automated CPR devices take seconds to set up, making the transition to mechanical CPR seamless and with minimal interruption to compressions.

Uninterrupted, Consistent Chest Compressions

Manual CPR can be physically challenging for caregivers to give for an extended period of time, and fatigue can result in less-than-optimal CPR for patients within minutes. Michigan Instruments automated CPR devices deliver consistent compressions for as long you need, eliminating the risk of burnout and ensuring high quality care to the patient.

Continuous Compressions During Transport

Attempting to deliver quality, manual CPR during transport can be extremely difficult and increase the risk of injury to emergency responders. Michigan Instruments Automated CPR devices are securely attached to patients to avoid any interruptions in CPR for as long as it takes to reach the hospital.

Concentrate on other Life Saving Procedures

Automated CPR devices perform effective and customized CPR hands-free, allowing emergency responders to concentrate and perform other life-saving measures during transport, before the patient even reaches the hospital. If necessary, mechanical CPR can also be paused and resumed with just the push of a button, maintaining nearly complete access to the patient throughout the entire event.

Rely on Michigan Instruments

Michigan Instruments’ automated CPR devices have been helping EMS professionals, doctors and nurses provide their patients with the quality care they deserve for decades. Learn more about our Life Stat and Thumper mechanical CPR devices and contact one of our representatives to learn more, or request a quote today.

Supporting the Supporters

At Michigan Instruments, our Lung Simulators and Automated CPR devices have been used by thousands of health care professionals worldwide and are considered some of the top respiratory care and automated CPR devices on the market. However, what truly sets Michigan Instruments apart from others in the industry is our dedication to our customer’s satisfaction. Whether you need tech support, calibration assistance or need to replace a part, our staff is always happy and available to address your needs.

Over the past year we have produced and delivered countless lung simulator devices to those developing ventilators and other respiratory equipment to support medical professionals treating those battling the Coronavirus. We’ve ramped up production, added staff, and worked with organizations including NASA, Ford Motor Company, and Cornell University, (just to name a few), to support their ventilator production and research and development.

As the world continues to fight the ongoing Pandemic, we’re committed to supporting those on the front lines and behind the scenes in R&D. Here are just a few ways Michigan Instruments supports you (our customers) so that you can support your patients.

Tech Support

If you run into a problem or have a question about how to operate one of our devices, we offer technical support whenever you need it. You can reach out to us through this form on our website and one of our staff members will quickly and personally respond to your inquiry.

Service and Calibration

To ensure high-quality performance and accurate data, it is important to make sure your device is calibrated correctly. That is why we offer a calibration service for our devices to our customers. Fill out this form on our website to request a calibration of your test lung simulator and you will receive detailed instructions on the process and shipment.

Replacement Parts & Accessories

While Michigan Instrument’s devices are inspected, reviewed, and serviced by the same workforce that initially assembled them, we understand that sometimes parts need to be replaced. Because of this, we offer a variety of lung simulators replacement parts, and CPR device parts. Contact us with your information, the products that you are interested in, quantity, and other important details and we will respond quickly with an estimated quote for you.

Product Development

Feedback and product improvements are top of mind. We listen to those who use our devices about suggestions and recommendations for ongoing product development and improvements. If you have a product improvement suggestion, let us know.

Want to learn more about our customer service or are you interested in receiving more information for our Lung Simulator or CPR devices? Contact us today!